Microsoft power suite
Microsoft power suite

microsoft power suite

The application came complete with Users and Admin platforms, dynamic Product/Inventory listings, integration with varied channels of communication viz.

  • It created history by being the India’s first listed corporate bond ETFįreshR is one of the largest platforms in India that integrates farmers, distributors, restaurants and grocers and caters to bulk needs for fresh fish & meat distribution within the country.Ĭloudesign had created the holistic application – both web and mobile, to ensure seamless fresh Fish & Meat supply for FreshR’s HoReCa -B2B Customers.
  • The largest debt NFO in India, at Rs 12,000 crores, 1.8 times the base issue, with more than 55,000 retail investors participating It debut, was also accomplished with many firsts, such as: The NFO was an astounding success and the application helped users make informed investment decisions and securely and successfully invest in a public offering. Edelweiss Asset Management has been given the mandate to manage this BHARAT Bond ETF program. The Solutionīharat Bond ETF is an Initiative by Government of India to cater to the borrowing requirements of Pubic.

    microsoft power suite

    The application interface was user-friendly and came equipped with features like – tax calculations, well-rounded FAQs, online account creation forms, KYC validation, bank/payment integration amongst many others. With Bharat Bond, Cloudesign ensured a secured and end-to-end integrated infrastructure that involved integrating UI, Front-End, Back-End, Databases integrations with NSDL, CDSL, Payment Gateways, SMS and Email service providers and many more.

    #Microsoft power suite android#

    Edelweiss now successfully manages the BHARAT Bond ETF program via the website, Android and iOS platforms developed by Cloudesign.

    Microsoft power suite